Saturday, January 13, 2007

First Week and already an all-nighter!

I'm so incredibly tired. I've had sore throats, coughing, sneezing and even my ears so swollen I haven't been able to hear...and all during my first week. I'd like to consider myself semi-hardy, but the stress and anxiety of everything just got to me.

So things got off to a chaotic start last week when my alarm clock failed to go of for Sylvia's class, the most notorious class I've heard she claims, she's the only one that's giving me my moneys worth right now. Well, I don't agree about that, but if I was paying for criticism and loads of stress, then she would be giving me a lot of bang for my buck. Anyway, since orientation was in the way of her class, we made it up later in the week, which gave us a shorter time to work on her ginormous assignments for Tuesday. Needless to say, I pulled an all-nighter on Monday, after meeting with other students Thursday and Saturday, visiting two libraries (what are those?) and working on it most my waking hours of the weekend. I was racing at 7 am to finish up, as class was at 8am. And then presentations for 5 and a half hours. I was feeling so sick and miserable, I couldn't even hear out of my left ear! Needless to say, I didn't go to work afterward, and anyway I had to finish my Emotive Type assignment for Wednesday. Oi.

So the work has continued to pile on, but after that hellish first week I feel a little better, all the newness is calming down and sometimes the concepting in the beginning is the hardest - I like to have an established direction. I'm still overwhelmed, and today is the first day I've felt somewhat ok. I even had time to visit with friends in the evening. Wow.

I'm a slow worker and the workload is immense - it's a very hard juggling act for me. Some of the students just breezed through the first week, very happily voicing their success, and I can only wonder how they did it...and feel like I've failed a little. Well, some have said they are experts at time management so I guess that's where the problem lies. But I also feel overwhelmed by just keeping relationships afloat. I think I'm the old married lady there, and no one else has to worry about dealing with another person...I have to consider a spouse's feelings constantly, keep a household functioning, and as much as it annoys me that he can play X-Box endlessly while I work and work, I have to remember that I made this decision. Oh well. But I'm also constantly held accountable for the stupid things I do, all the million of mistakes I make a day, and there are a lot now that my head is spinning. I'm under every one's eye at school, and sometimes I wish my shortfalls could just be put aside when I'm at home. Well, we do the best we can, and I can only hope that I'll learn to handle this better as time goes on...I'm still very happy that I will have someone by my side through all of this, hopefully it will give me some stability.

I'm so tired, last night I was up to almost 5..but I did sleep til 9...working on packaging stuff I should have started earlier, as I drastically miscalculated how long it would take me. Mistakes= learning. Lots of learning going on...

Oinks and Apaches, who knew?

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